
As an answer to the great demand of the public to know our history, through images, the collection of Documentaries Cine Archivo Bolivar Films was created to rescue the historical memory of our country.

A high cinematographic quality characterizes the production of these documentaries that have been exhibited successfully on national and international level. The goals of this Collection of Documentary are:

- To wake up interest through registered historical images, narrated through the use of audio-visual language.

- To fortify the academic ambit, offering an educational tool for both teachers and students.

- To value all those characters and facts of the past that reinforces the nationalism of being Venezuelan, always maintaining an objective and critical position of the contents.

- To publicly offer the filmic treasure of Cinema File Bolivar Films in accessible formats

P.C. Bolívar Films C.A. - Rif: J-00004101-6
Phone Master: (58+212) 283.8455 - [email protected]